WMSCC update

The Williston Middle School Central Campus update, below, was shared with WMSCC families yesterday. We are now extending this update to the entire district and community.  

Best Regards,

WBSD7 Administration 

Dear Central Campus Families, 

At Central Campus, we are dedicated to continuously improving our educational environment to better serve our students. Currently, we are addressing a significant challenge with a shortage of 30 certified teaching positions. In response to this, we are implementing strategic changes to ensure that our students continue to receive quality education without disruption.

Key Changes:

  • Core Academic Classes: All core classes, including Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies, will be relocated to the Bakken Ridge and Coyote Center. This consolidation will help streamline our operations and enhance the learning experience for all students.

  • Exploration Elective Classes: We will move all Exploration Elective classes to the ASB Innovation Center. This change is aimed at providing equitable opportunities for all students to engage in exploratory courses, which are crucial for their intellectual and personal growth.

These adjustments will not only minimize transitions across the street and throughout the campus, thereby safeguarding more instructional time, but also align with our vision of streamlining student schedules for better academic engagement.

Vision for the ASB Innovation Center: The reconfiguration aligns with Phase Two of the Williston Middle School Central Campus vision, which integrates course pathways with the Williston High School CTE Career Clusters. Our goal for the upcoming year is to begin developing these programs to give our middle school students a broader exposure to potential career paths, enhancing their readiness and confidence when choosing courses for high school.

Ensuring Long-term Vision Alignment: As we make these transitions, it is essential to emphasize that our ASB programs, style of teaching, and practices will be carried out as a long-term vision of the Central Campus. This strategic approach ensures that not only are we addressing immediate needs but are also setting the stage for a sustainable and innovative educational framework that will benefit our students in the years to come.

Lottery Process Update: As part of these changes, we will dissolve the existing lottery process that has been used for ASB placements. We want to assure you that this decision was made with the best interests of our educational goals in mind. Consequently, the lottery process that was completed in recent months for the 2024/2025 school year is now null and void.

Please understand these decisions are made with deep consideration for the educational needs and best interests of all our students. We are committed to navigating these challenges with transparency and care, ensuring that we continue to provide a high-quality education to our students.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we implement these necessary changes. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to Audra Zimmerman, WMSCC Lead Principal. Together, we will continue to ensure that our students have the best possible environment to thrive academically.

Thank you, 

WMSCC Administration 


Contact our 2024/2025 Lead Principal for WMSCC

Audra Zimmerman
