new elementary school

2024 Bond to Build a New Elementary School

Thank you for investing in Williston's Future!

In April 2024, voters approved a $35 million bond to partially finance the construction of a new elementary school for Williston Basin School District #7. With an impressive 66% approval rate, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the community for your unwavering support!

The estimated total project cost of the new elementary school is $55 million, with the district contributing $20 million (36%) from District Building Funds.

Budget Update:
At the February 3, 2025, board meeting, the WBSD7 School Board approved reducing the Sloulin Elementary School Project budget from $55 million to $50,575,741, a difference of approximately $4.4 million. This reduction is due to several costs coming in under the original estimates while ensuring the project remains well-funded and on track.


Upward Construction Begins!

Sloulin Elementary School Construction

February 27, 2025

After five months of groundwork, construction of Sloulin Elementary’s structure has officially begun! This week, walls are going up, including the elevator shaft and adjacent sections.

We encourage everyone to drive by and check out the progress at 1316 33rd St W!

Sloulin Elementary School Construction

Sloulin Elementary School Construction


New Elementary School Name, Colors & Mascot

Thank you to everyone who participated in the school naming process! After gathering community input and reviewing the top choices, the School Board has approved the community's Top 3 selections:

Name: Sloulin Elementary School
Colors: Black and Gold
Mascot: Aviators

The exact shade of gold and the final mascot design will be decided through a process involving more student and community feedback—stay tuned for details!

For more information about the school naming process and to view the full list of submissions and top 3 rating results, visit our School Naming webpage.


Groundbreaking Ceremony - October 4, 2024

Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Elementary School
The Williston Basin School District #7 extends its heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us in celebrating the groundbreaking of our new elementary school on Friday, October 4, 2024.

Overview, Video & Photo Gallery

Architectural Design & Construction Management

  • Architect: JLG Architects

  • Construction Manager at Risk: JE Dunn Construction


New Elementary School


Location: 1316 33rd St W Williston, ND 58801 in Williston Square

Building Features:

  • PreK through Grade 5

  • Special Education Suite

  • Gymnasiums

  • STEAM Lab

  • Kitchen & Cafeteria

  • Administrative Offices

  • Media Center

  • Music Rooms

Architectural Design: JLG Architects

Construction Management: JE DUNN

Project Estimated Cost: $53.9 million

Project Budget: $55 million

Key Players in the Decision-Making Process:

  • Leadership Group: District Administrators and Construction Professionals

  • Steering Committee: Program Leaders & Community Representative

  • User Groups: Representing key programs in the new school


New elementary school opening Fall of 2026!


new school

The plan is to build one new elementary school. This plan will increase elementary capacity by 600+ students and allow the District to bring 5th grade back into elementary schools from Williston Middle School Central Campus. Additionally, this solution will accommodate elementary facilities to operate at or below the goal of 25 students per classroom and start to reduce reliance on non-permanent modular classrooms, although not remove them until a second elementary project is approved.

News / Notices

Bond Referendum
For information on the 2024 School Bond Referendum, visit our Bond Referendum Webpage