The Communications Department is dedicated to sharing with all community stakeholders what makes WBSD #7 exceptional in a clear, effective manner that falls within our vision and mission statements.
Community Involvement Pages
Community Feedback
We are compiling all data and community feedback including all Surveys, Forms, and Results in one place to easily access and participate in decisions made by the school district.
Community Meetings
Here, we will update specific Community Meetings that are held to ensure the community can submit questions about the meeting topic and be involved in the discussion.
Community Updates
On this page created in November of 2024 following our SCOPE survey, we aim at providing a clear avenue to all public communications.
Contact Information
Paula Lankford
Director of Public Relations
Heather Calkins
Communications Specialist
District Annual Report
The Communications Department is pleased to present the first-ever District Annual Report for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here to read about our year of growth, achievement, and community support.
Our Annual Report includes the following highlights.
Student Success
Community Engagement
Facilities Growth
Financial Stewardship

ParentSquare (parentsquare.com)
Williston Basin School District #7 uses ParentSquare for school communication with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using the preferred email address and phone number provided during PowerSchool enrollment.
We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification
Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm
Communicate in your preferred language
Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
Participate in group messages
Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your desktop or mobile device
We promise to only send you information related to school. You can opt-out at any time. See this document for more information about opting-out from our communications.
Media Relations
We feel that the media plays an integral role in communicating happenings within our district to all of our stakeholders. We feel that it is important to maintain open communications with the news media.
The Director of Public Relations is the district liaison with the public news media. They are responsible for acting as the district spokesperson, creating press releases and articles on success stories, school data, student progress, staff accomplishments, internal programs, news and information.
The Principals will be the primary contacts for their schools. They will make available information about the school, its program and operations, except as prohibited by board policies, administrative regulations, or federal or state laws. If principals have questions about releasing information, they will contact the Director of Public Relations. Principals will inform the Director of Public Relations about media requests.
The Athletic Director will be the primary contact for the athletic & activities department. They will make available information about athletic and activity programs, schedules, and events, except as prohibited by board policies, administrative regulations, or federal or state laws. If the Athletic Director has questions about releasing information, they will contact the Director of Public Relations. The Athletic Director will inform the Director of Public Relations about media requests.
Any requests for comments or information concerning district policies and regulations, matters of district-wide interest, or potentially controversial topics should be directed to the Director of Public Relations.
Coyote Corner
Click here to see all Coyote Corner publications.
The district provides a weekly newsletter to be distributed every Monday to parents, staff, and the community. This newsletter is filled with important information, events, and highlights from our district and the community.
Content will be gathered from various sources including district websites and social media feeds. If you have things you want to share, please email communications@willistonschools.org.
If you would like to have these delivered to your inbox, please fill out this form.
Communication Audit
2023 Communication Audit Report & Recommendations